just now, two people skied past my window. true story. i took a slight double-take. after all, i'm living in the middle of the city (more or less, that is). there they were, the dad with proper cross-country skis, the little boy or girl (wrapped up so warm and zooming by so fast i couldn't see his or her face) with miniature skis, but obviously completely familiar with it.
we had rather a lot of snow, you see. and in berlin, only the main streets are cleared, side streets just drown in snow. last year, we didn't see the pavement for close to three months. which feels rather unusual: only a few years ago, we only had little snow - for a couple of days at the most. the weather is noticeably changing.
while i love to see the kids' excitement - making snowmen, riding their sleighs - it does make everything you do more time consuming. i'm thinking twice before leaving the house, since i can only use my bike on the cleared streets and it's a fair little walk to get there, same goes for reaching a bus or train station. i'll get used to it, but at the moment i'm in two minds.
it does look pretty though, doesn't it?
if you're in berlin, don't forget
victoria met albert (the shop with the white paper snow flakes) is having an open sunday. also: events at
souterrain gallery and supalife kiosk.
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