changes can come about very quietly or very sudden. my father fell very ill a good week ago. we have no way of telling what the future holds, and to be quite honest: even if there was one, i don't think i would like to know. i'm quieter now and so very glad to have k and my family and my friends. and i'm amazed how close happiness and sadness can be. i saw my dad very poorly and held my six-week old nephew at the very same time.
i'm letting the sad moments in and meeting them with happy ones. this afternoon, i'm seeing my niece, we'll go to town and have hot chocolate.
the photos were taken on a special sunday in december when having lunch with friends, happy memories!
These have a beautiful atmosphere. I am so sorry to hear about your Papa, Kristina. Mine has also been unwell for a time, it is always a worry.
I am sorry about your dad. I hope that the year to come will be filled with a lot of happy moments.
I understand your words on change Kristina. Sorry to hear your Dad is unwell.
Lots of love x
Sorry for your Dad... I hope he will feel better soon.
Special hug for you Kristina.
Oh Kristina I'm so sorry .... things like this are always so hard, enjoy your beautiful, special moments ... my thoughts are with you XXX
I am really sorry to hear about your dad, dear Kristina.
My thoughts are with you. xo
mille bises my dear.
Das tut mir sehr leid Kristina. Es ist gut, dass man aus den Glücksmomenten Kraft für die traurigen schöpfen kann. Und zu wissen, dass man nicht allein ist.
Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft. Ganz liebe Grüsse.
Sad news, Kristina... happiness and sorrow, they walk together. I'll be thinking of you, and your dad. All the best to your family xox Lilli
Your perspective on sadness and happiness is an inspiration.
I'm a new reader to your blog and love the photos and the words. I'm sorry to hear that your pop sick. He's in my thoughts. Take heart and have a happy new year!
i´m sorry to hear about your father. i hope he will get better soon.
a big warm hug for you!!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your father, Kristina. I hope he gets better soon, if that is possible
lots of love xxx
liebe kristina, das tut mir so leid zu lesen über deinen vater und hoffe, dass es ihm bald wieder besser geht...dir wünsche ich viel kraft...solche zeiten sind wirklich nicht einfach...Ganz viele liebe Grüße
happy new year kristina.
i really hope your dad will soon be on the mend.
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