it's been snowing steadily last night, and much of today as well. when i went to the post office earlier, lots of kids were being picked up by their parents from kindergarden and pulled through the white streets on little sleighs. fun!
it's very cold too, around minus ten celsius, and bound to get much colder tonight. so let's just say i'm very grateful for a heated home. and for woolly socks and jumpers. doesn't this one, the one above with the beaded embroidery, look just perfect? seen at victoria met albert. (by the way, they are having special open sundays on dec 5 and 19. read more here.)
how is it looking at your end - and what are you grateful for?
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Oh so beautiful, love the soft lemony light.
I'm grateful for oil in the tank. We have alot of snow and it's viciously cold. Brrr. x
went through some of your photostream on flickr and marked some poster photos :-)
it's cold and snowy here too, but at least it has stopped snowing.
I'm grateful for everyday - my life is good in so many ways.
I got the white bag in the second photo...Berlin and snow sounds pretty
I guess its beautiful under the snow...
Photos ?
But for me - 10 is too much... I mean, not enough !-)
The snow here has been pretty but the amount of people and things it has stopped getting or working is crazy it's only a couple of inches.
Today I am going to attempt to ride Gigi to work. I leave shortly, and I wonder how far I will get on my little scooter
drive safely, sammi!
i'm always grateful for woolly socks too :) and for the weekend because it's 5 days long (two holidays on monday and wednesday!) and we're going to france. i'll have to take some work with me but still. sometimes i hust have to get out of the city.
ps: danke für den lieben kommentar zum einbruch-post. inzwischen habe ich's halbwegs vergessen, und das krampfhafte verriegeln und kontrollieren ist schon fast routine geworden. und bei dir sind die tagsüber reingekommen? man glaubt das einfach nicht oder?!
ich wünsch dir ein schönes schneewochenende!
our (student) house is freezing for the best part of the day... so we have invested in bottles and bottles of mulled wine, and tubs of hot chocolate... it's costing a fortune in milk!! I have been wrapping up in charity-shop cashmere which is all getting scandalously holey from the wear. here in warwick we don't have much snow but what we do have is now ice, treacherous.
Wonderful blog by the by.
Well I have to say I'm grateful for lots of sunshine here in my part of the world, my shoulders are even a little pink after walking around the city all day yesterday, hope you have a wonderful (and cozy) weekend XXX
My hot toddies (toddys?) have done their trick, I think, and I'm so grateful to be reviving after a nasty cold! I'm dying to buy one of those adorable sleds for S -- far more sensible than trying to shove a stroller through the drifts of snow.
Snow! I love the images you give us. I am grateful for the beautiful sunsets I've seen lately and spending time with those I love.
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