is there ever a point when we've
seen enough
said enough
eaten enough
drunk enough
bought enough
done enough
read enough
i'm not talking about morals, i'm searching for an awareness. too often i only realise when i've far passed that point. and i wish i had noticed the elusive moment when i could have said: this is good. it's enough. let's stop here.
despite my recent philosophical moods (which could have to do with exhaustion), i'm intending to have a fantastic weekend. j and a from london are going to be in town. can't wait. - have a super weekend yourselves!
p.s.: this may sound far more negative than i felt - it doesn't mean at all "i've had enough", it's more a pondering on being content. i'm quite jolly actually (apart from the tiredness)!
beautiful photos!
i love how you capture indoors light.
I love the second one... Very much...
And I think I understand you (as far as my english goes). Searching the limit, the point where it's better for you to stop...).
Anyway, good week end...
I love the second photo also, I want one of those chairs!
Enjoy my dear K.
Enjoy a lot.
ich mag deine philosophical moods.
sehr nachdenklich, und poetisch.
und die fotos passen so gut.
ich wünsch die ein wunderbares wochenende!
i do wish those "enough" moments would come with a sign, so you're totally sure about them. sadly, i often go long past enough...but i'm working on learning to see that better.
i hope your friends made it!!
happy weekend!
Mmmm I don't lnow, maybe there is, but being aware of the exact moment maybe wouldn't be worth.
Big kisses for your great photos
just a touch existential, yes. I reckon it definitely has to do with exhaustion.
have a fab w-end and get some sleep, pet. it'll do you wonders (it may take a while to get back to normal levels of energy, though :)
I love your little philosophical moods, you are so right, so many people are always searching for the next bigger, better, more ... "enough" is really all you need and as I get older and wiser it becomes more clear.
Have a wonderful weekend with your friends.X
enjoy your weekend!!!
These two photos are so perfect.
i know exactly what you mean - and it's not negative - it's nice to feel content and not to be on that hungry quest for something new.
Mmm, it's is difficult to know when enough is enough; less is more. But I agree, it is a positive thing, it exercises control and thought.
Great phootgraphs, as ever!
one thing is for sure- i can never get enough of your photos :)
I usually only realize I've done too much once I've passed that point. It's difficult to know, in the moment, but I'll continue to try.
i'm with elisabelle, the light is amazing.
the enough thing is hard. i think about this a lot, especially the materialist side of just having had enough "things". not to forget the "said" enough... to let go and move on. not sure i'll ever master it, but i do try to keep it in mind. that's living, isn't it.
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