just to say thank you for your feed-back on my last post - you are the best, you really are! if you like, you can still suggest images in my flickr as potential poster material, i'd love to hear your thoughts!
oh, and don't you just want one of those paper snowflakes? i saw them at victoria met albert, a new shop in my neighbourhood (they are not currently available but should be soon. guess who's in line for a purchase). more to come, here and over on mostly berlin.
tell me, did you have a good start to your week?
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yes, they look so great! i want one too! or three...or more.
I love, love the first picture. Wonderful contrast.
Isn't that a wonderful name for a shop? A good excuse to visit Berlin again, I think. xx
Kristina - I love these photos!
xo Erin
totally gorgeous. you've captured them beautifully.
Oh, this is beautiful...
I didn't answer your question... I will !-))
Oh snowflakes! What a find! It's definitely been a good start to the week for me. I hope the same for you!
These are just beautiful .... I want some !!!
Oh, these are stunning ! Beautiful !
WOW i do love these snowflakes!
I'd love to have one of those snowflakes in my room!
Fun they have done almost the same at COS here...
Lovely ones!
Will love to have all room celling full of them...just to see snow falling while i am warm at bed
oh ..so pretty ,please let me know
when you can get them...i send my friend to buy one..so pretty
Lovely paper snow !!!
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