i am one of those people who don't have a clearly defined weekend. most of the time, i will be working on any given project and take a few hours off on saturday and sunday. some weekends, i'll take a whole day off and work the other. that's just the way it is in my line of work and i think most people in the creative industries can relate to that. sometimes it really bugs me, and in my mind, somewhere in the future, there will be a time when i have 'proper' weekends again.
last weekend though was an execption. a really slow weekend, and much enjoyed. on saturday, reading magazines on the sofa (marion sent me a copy of 'the gentlewoman' from marseille, as it was nowhere to be had in berlin), taking a leisurely stroll on the farmers' market, having coffee at sgaminegg. on sunday, scoring some vintage, tom-ford-style sunglasses on the fleamarket as well as a crumpler photo bag and buying some home-made juices from the stall of an organic farm near berlin. again, reading a lot. even though it rained so much on sunday that i got soaked to the skin at one point, it was the most relaxing weekend i had in a long time.
photos taken at sgaminegg.
p.s.: you really are the best! thank you so much for all your suggestions of things to do and places to see in melbourne/sydney. not only in the comments to my last post, but also by email and on your respective blogs. keep them coming!
a big thank you to elizabeth of primoeza for her melbourne post - i wish i could go myself! huge thanks also to sonia, who emailed me a long list of melbourne restaurants and cafés. i can't say how grateful i am.
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you're welcome :)
i love that blue and white packaging.
it's so funny that they would have edible manhattan magazine there!
tom ford style sunglasses ? Oh my ! I had a look at the link, they are to die for !!!!!!!! Bravo !
primoeza: yes, that's exactly what caught my eye too!
jen: i know! in fact, they also have a subscription of the new yorker. the owners are a german couple, but i have a feeling they might have been living in NYC at some point. - i loved flicking through edible manhattan!
marion: well, we will just have to do that convertible ride when we next meet up. i will make it my personal mission to find a matching headscarf.
Oh OUI !
We may have to go to Switzerland for that !
What a lovely weekend ....
I must still give you my Sydney tips, I'm on the case !!!
Lovely! We all deserve a weekend like that every now and then.
Your images are so inspiring! I'm in love with your blog x
ha. I posted about a veeeery chilled sunday too (chucking it down with rain in a'dam as well.)
Could it be possible to have 10 days for a week, and 5 for the weekend (but forget Sunday, because sometimes everyday looks like sunday) ? please God.
crumpler photo bag! awesome!!! kristina and i will be photographing it and its contents. but you'll see why! :-)
This sounds like a wonderful weekend was had. Slow weekends are the best.
what a beautiful cafe! i love the purple flowers against the white. so stark and beautiful.
p.s. i've put up the recipe for the lemon cake but i'll email it to you as well!
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