just now, two people skied past my window. true story. i took a slight double-take. after all, i'm living in the middle of the city (more or less, that is). there they were, the dad with proper cross-country skis, the little boy or girl (wrapped up so warm and zooming by so fast i couldn't see his or her face) with miniature skis, but obviously completely familiar with it.
we had rather a lot of snow, you see. and in berlin, only the main streets are cleared, side streets just drown in snow. last year, we didn't see the pavement for close to three months. which feels rather unusual: only a few years ago, we only had little snow - for a couple of days at the most. the weather is noticeably changing.
while i love to see the kids' excitement - making snowmen, riding their sleighs - it does make everything you do more time consuming. i'm thinking twice before leaving the house, since i can only use my bike on the cleared streets and it's a fair little walk to get there, same goes for reaching a bus or train station. i'll get used to it, but at the moment i'm in two minds.
it does look pretty though, doesn't it?
if you're in berlin, don't forget victoria met albert (the shop with the white paper snow flakes) is having an open sunday. also: events at souterrain gallery and supalife kiosk.
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AH, I bet Riga saw those people skying too !
It's pretty for a day but would like to see the pavements again sooner rather than later. Only so much baking one person can do!
these shots are really great. and london is the same - there aren't the resources or manpower to clear the side streets and we all skate around in the snow, although you guys had far more last year. you're right on the weather - it's definitely changing. a few years back it was normal not to see any snow in the winter.
Wow, that sounds awesome! I would love to see Berlin like that.
This year for the first time I didn't like the snow it made it too difficult to get to work..
The Ski story made me laugh!
In our little corner of the UK the snow only stayed for 2 days, like any visitor, that's just enough! Lovely photos as always x
these shots are so lovely, like a winter dream.
the reds against the white=beautiful!
yes, it is pretty, these photos are pretty. love those berries (as you know from flickr :)
i wish the snow will stay put in denmark. we'll go on the 17th and so far it looks cold enough to stay. but you never know. crossing my fingers...
Wow,the first pic is so lovely!!!
Love the photos...and sometimes snow...it makes me calm...it has something special, something that covers all bad things.
Yes, so funny to see sky in a city...
Right, the red on the white is beautiful...
ha! i would have done a double take too!
beautiful, wintery pictures, as always...
incidentally, i gave you a small award on my blog based on love for yours from a distance. hope that's ok! :)
Oh my these photographs are just lovely ... a skier going past, how great is that.
I on the other hand am in my summer dress after a very warm day here in Australia !!!
I'm glad it melted a little this week, but sorry that it all looks so dirty and gross now.
i love these...and how fun to see the skiers!
Pretty, pretty rose-hips. Same situation in Sthlm. Last year we had what felt like a never ending winter. Before that, I can't remember a white christmas. This year, so much snow and so very cold. I do enjoy it. It brings light and a very christmassy feeling.
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