why are we afraid of big changes when there are little changes all around us, all the time?
can you live outside the mainstream?
how does the microcosm of relationships and friendships address different parts of ourselves?
should i seek out new ways of bringing bread-winning and art together?
how can i miraculously get a hasselblad? (would you check your attics, just in case?)
this is a corner view. for links to other corner viewers, head on over to jane's.
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When you'll have the answer to the hasselblad question can you whisper it to me? thank you...
oh, and don't you ponder well.
answers to the meaning of life and the universe on a postcard, please :)
loving the pics too. as per usual :)
I love your cv!... as always ;-)
I suppose one could write a book in order to answer some of these questiones. And I suppose many has done that already - still there are no real answers... to anything.
I know our attic is empty - I already looked... Hasselblad, like poetry in my ears.
this is it! lots of unanswered questions! but do you know "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy"? the answer of life, everything and the universe is 42!! ;o)
I was lost in your clouds.
You dream of a Haselblad, I dream of a Leica M. Sadly, few attics seem to contain them! I've often thought of a quote from Proust about the mysterious threads that bind us to life; breathe in and the world seems so spread out, breathe in and you see all these connections. Combininig art and making money with it is a tricky one which few seem to achive without selling out a little. In the meantime, let's watch the clouds overhead and the little changes minute by minute.
When I was studying at university nuclear physics, you can thing so many times, how the dimension of things can change...from atoms, to gallaxies...and you in the middle, with insignificant size.
Please let me know if you find the answer for the Hasselblad, please ;-)
oh. such big questions.
i always like the thoughts and the things you write down.
and i so much want a hasselblad too, miracously, badly!!
I think we are afraid of big changes because we're afraid of losing our footing in the world. a small change is like taking just another step; a big change is like leaping across an abyss.
a new question for you: would you like to take photographs as much as you do now, if it was work? it's a question I think about sometimes.
if you come visit me in sweden, I promise you can play with my hasselblad :-) I couldn't pick it up on saturday, since I got sick (again!), but I'm picking it up this week instead.
k xxx
I forgot to say that the cloud photos are wonderful!
Oh I do like Kristina's comment ... I'm with her !!!
i am always asking myself these questions.
Your cloud pirctures "streicheln die Seele" - sorry for my english..:(
those are some good ponderings. maybe because i share some of them. and what's with hasseblad...everyone is craving hasseblad these days. personally i hardly find the time to use my nikon. not to mention finsih my film i started this summer in denmark.
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