busy times. after having to skip last weekend due to work, i'm really looking forward to this one. there's still work to be done, but it will be quieter and i'll be taking a much needed rest. also hoping to take some photographs. will make an advent calendar for my man. also decorate the apartment a little, this time round with white candles, silver baubles and pine cones.
oh, and did i mention that it's officially winter now? the day before yesterday is started snowing, yesterday was probably the last day for a while that i'll be using the bike. if it can be helped, i much prefer riding my bike in temperatures below zero to sitting on the train squashed between sniffling people. but what can you do.
finally: an idea has been brewing for a while, i've been thinking about having posters made. it's still just an idea, but can i ask you a favour? when you have a minute to spare, it would be great if you could go to my flickr and leave a comment there, should you spot a pic you could see as a poster. any feed-back would be much appreciated and help me to make some decisions.
have a great weekend! (any plans?)
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I'm glad you'll have some time off this weekend! it's snowing here, but I'm thinking of going into town and browsing the stores - maybe pick up some christmas decorations.
the photo above is perfection! it would make a great poster, along with many of your other photos!
have a lovely weekend, dear kristina!
k xx
Ok, I'll see your flickr !!
Well, my w.e.: I will made some presents for my friends and then go to a party this evening and sleep all the sunday !!!
Have a sweet w.e. Kristina...
My weekend plans are very much similar to yours. Putting up some Christmas stuff and lights around the house, finishing up a few projects that have been hanging around for too long...
The idea of posters is great, I'll try and have time to see your pics in Flickr!
Have a nice rest and be back soon to brighten our days with your photos! :)
Happy Weekend ... it is hot and almost the first day of summer here in Australia !!!
Posters, what a great idea ... my how can I choose, so many great shots, so hard to choose !!!
Yay, posters! So many are exquisite. I still think about the jewelled gray-tones in your post about the Apartmento launch. Keep us posted!
I think, this photo is wonderful for a poster. Next week I'll see your flickr. Great idea!
ich liebe adventskalender, schaffe das aber wohl wieder mal nicht...
i want snow too!!! dabei bin ich letztes jahr als ich im februar ein paar tage in berlin war so böse auf dem eis ausgerutscht (auf der sbahntreppe), dass ich wochenlang einen blauen hintern hatte. hm. trotzdem, der erste schnee ist so etwas schönes. und man will sowieso immer das, was man nicht hat.
schönen ruhigen sonntag abend!
Hope you've enjoyed the weekend. We have got quite a lot of snow here too, quite cozy, at least sitting indoors, sipping tea.
Posters sounds like a great idea!! I'll have a look.
Lots of snow here, too. Still biking though (and crashing, so far only once because of slippery roads :-/)
Hope you've enjoyed your weekend!
I understand about being busy! I love your ideas for decorating. Pine cones are a lovely touch.
We had snow in Halifax as well! Not a whole lot but enough to create traffic jam. Hope your weekend was relaxing!
you know what? for a start I absolutely love this photo!!!!
I'll go on your flickr and let you know about my other favorites of yours.
I like the photo in your previous post - the dim light, and the play between the bokehs in the background, and the translucent circles in the foreground. It's snowing here too;(
PS glad you liked the scones!
i love this photo
i'll go to your flickr!
have a great week
Please do realize this idea. I've been going through your photos and it was a joy looking at them again. I think most of them would look great as posters but I marked my favourites.
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