when we were very tired, or upset (or way too excited to sleep for that matter), my mum used to say: "tomorrow is another day". and so to bed.
tell me, what do you tell yourself when you are exhausted and things just don't seem to work out the way they should, or your cat has scratched you again, or you've put on really a bit too much weight, or you are worried about all kinds of things?
i dont really have a soothing saying honestly, i just worry and make myself take care of it
i love this photo!
instead of telling, i cook for myself. pampering food like a warm soup with lentils, ginger...or sweet milk rice. good mood food. if i don't have time i just drink a cup of coffee ;-) i like your questions and looking forward to other answers. happy day*
In french we say, il y a des jours avec et des jours sans... Days with and days without...
Things get always back in place... !
I do agree that things always get back into place and one just needs to be patient and pamper oneself a bit. I usually like to go for a walk and do things in nature. My Chinese taichi teacher always said that whenever you felt sad or out of sorts the best thing is to go sit by the sea to listen to it or sit under a tree in order to get the heart's rhythm in harmony with nature's rhythm.
Well, I actually tell myself you will feel better in the morning, much like your mother's saying. Sometimes a night's sleep is all it takes to hit the reset button.
But I also like the saying (that is popular on posters now) "stay calm and carry on". This is when I make my action plan,my to do list and muster the courage to just deal and move forward.
It's been scientifically proved (don't ask me how) that the brain solves and reorganize many, tiny "things" while we sleep - so mother was a clever one.
I recently found a sentence that seems to do the trick for me; "these things are sent to teach you". Really happy to have found something that saves me laying awake for hours :)
Love your place here, by the way. Just found it :) And - beautiful images is always helpfull, day or night. I'll be back!
In this case, I listen to this :
I usually go for a run or cook something rather complicated that would need my attention for some time. I'm really not good at sleeping off things... unless I make to-do lists for the next day, that also helps me quite a bit when things aren't going so well.
I am with your mum. I try to go early to bed, sleep and try to look at things with other eyes next day.
And try to learn that problems, sometimes are not as big as we think.
Firstly, this photograph is just beautiful .... I always say "in the big picture of life will this really matter" mostly works for me, but I have been known to use your mums saying too !!!
When there are things to do that scare me or my children I tell them (or me): one thing is for sure, the sun comes down and the day goes over. If there is a problem to solve in the future that scares us we do not worry, becaus we learnt, that there will be always a solution - I hope it will be that way all my life :-)
I have been reading the Book of Job. I usually read Psalms, but I opened to the first chapter of Job, and decided to give it a try. One would think Job's anguish and his friends' "advice" would be distressing, but maybe it's "misery loves company" kicking in. I'm actually looking forward to another chapter tonight to see what they figure out. Sweet dreams!
I sing to myself (and to my daughter when she's upset):
'baby don't worry about the things, cos every little thing is gonna be alright...'
lovely post.
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