
Wednesday, 20 April 2011

here and there

stormy day

today couldn't be sunnier and mellower, but the other day there was a big storm. the wind was pulling the trees' hair ever so strongly.

now a cup of tea and back to work.

(regarding my last post: thanks for bearing with me. you might be glad to know i've been calm and well-behaved since then.)


fen and ned said...

Beautiful photo, I love the reference to the wind pulling the trees hair!
Enjoy your tea x

danica said...

this is a beautiful image that is made even more gorgeous by your description.

glad to hear you have calmed down. i know the exact feeling you were describing in your last post.

MANDY said...

Beautiful photos and great words and I'm glad you are feeling brighter !!!

tinajo said...

Lovely photo - I love the beauty a sky can show! :-)

Pascale said...

HEY, today we have the same post' title, incredible !
funny !

la ninja said...

here, there, and every-bloody-where. I am, at least.

love that second pic.
most fashion sites bore me senseless but I'll check the links above just for laughs :)


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are feeling calmer, have a good weekend Kristina x

Chukin said...

You see those kinds of pictures everywhere these days.. this is the first time I really like one of them, though!

