june is such a tender month. still lush and green, but that time of year in the northern hemisphere, when the stalls at the farmers' market start to burst with freshness. just looking at them makes me happy.
and it's strawberry month.
the other day, i had a wonderful slice of strawberry cake with just a hint of balsamic vinegar in the glaze. a taste that made me stop, hold my breath and be amazed. it so brought out the flavour of the fruit without overpowering it. my guess is, it was just a few drops, no more. i will definitely try to make this cake myself.
any recipes you consider a stunner recently? tell me!
p.s.: i'm so smitten with my nikkormat and slide film, i can't even begin to tell you. this is from my latest roll of film.
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the shine on the strawberry is amazing and the fork in these photos just glows. simply stunning, -- i am smitten too! :)
These photographs are so good, I can taste that strawberry tart (my favorite pastry of all time). I have some yummy ones on my "Melbourne Part 1 post". Can't wait to see more of your pics.
Good to see some film! Strawberries look good! xo
Bei uns sind die Erdbeeren immer so schnell verschwunden/verzehrt, das ein Erdbeerkuchen schnell gehen muss.... Dafür verwende ich Mürbeteig Tortletts mit Vanillepudding (Landliebe) und oben drauf die Erdbeeren, dazu Sprühsahne ;-) so schnell wie das zubereitet ist, sind sie auch schon wieder weg! Ich würde auch lieber ein Stück von Deinem Kuchen mit Balsamico kosten.
it does sound divine...
I can smell the strawberry flavor just by looking at your pictures, just love these 2 ...
That strawberry cake...lovely!
I've read about strawberry-balsamic vinegar combination before but approached it with a lot of reserve...
but since you recommend it...
that sounds delicious.
i tried a tomato-strawberry-balsamic vinegar thing once. was pure heaven...
... i know it's very special but I can't eat strawberry... i can't smell it... horrible !!! and everybody loves strawberry !!! But I love your photos Kristina ; )
ohhh ja, ich liebe erdbeeren! jede woche backe ich einen leckeren erdbeerkuchen, püriere mir erdbeeren und friere sie zu einem eis ein, mache mir erdbeermilch oder nen leckeren nachtisch oder quark mit erdbeeren *jamjam*
so much light on your photos and this grain that i love...
great shots, that little piece looks so delicious! sounds special with balsamic vinegar too, have to try it someday..
Such beautiful images. Strawberries are very good here in Northern California right now too. My husband and I ate them straight from the basket for dessert last night.
You make me miss Germany and my mother-in-law even more. Happy Summer!
Sounds and looks delicious. I will try to copy. In june we eat pancakes (thin, 'Swedish'?)with strawberries, whipped cream, sugar and cinnamon. We have a little booth on our street selling locally grown berries of the season. The booth built like a giant strawberry. Sweet.
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