ok, i can't help myself and am posting the other photos from the berlin unité now. hope you don't mind...
le corbusier designed his berlin version of the unité d'habitation for interbau 1957, an international, star-studded building competition in berlin. the building was erected between 1956 and 1958. sadly, due to building restrictions (and i bet a fair bit of ignorance on part of the german city clerks) the original design was quite substantially changed, so that le corbusier finally distanced himself from the project. one of the changes apparently was the ceiling height, which corbu had meant to be 2.26 m (based on his modulor), and which in the end was 2.50 m, due to fire safety regulations. do you think that sounds about right or might be an urban myth?
anyway, these are some shots i took when we walked around the building. it was a dismal afternoon, very grey and windy and cold. i think i may come back in spring or summer to see how different the play of light and shadow will make the building seem. and how different the colours will look.
happy weekend!
beautiful shots!
i love the grain.
interesting to see the little differences between the different untié d'habitations.
love the second shot!
happy weeekend to you too!
your photos are fascinating.
i find it interesting how the architects of that time had these grand visions for democratic, modern housing projects, and yet so many of them fell through and lost popularity - wonder if it was because of the bureaucratic compromises, or because humans are hard to fit into theories of mass produced perfection...
I love the 5th (interior) picture. And I always love the grain of your pictures, there's so much feeling in them.
Have a great Saturday!
Thank you for the Corbu photos. I did not know there was this complex in Berlin, where is it in the city?
I do love these also.
What a great idea for Cabrizette & Elisabelle.
I'm impatient to see the rooftop renovated.
Have a lovely week end dear !
great shots ... it reminds me a Corbusier building I visited in Marseille ...
I love these kristina - excellent!
Your blog ..... it's amazing and soooo inspiring as usual!
Ps. I have an ongoing jewelry contest on my blog. Welcome! Ds
The architecture and colours are so awesome!
Just had about his buildings in design history - such a lovely filossofy they are made from.. lovely colours!
I didn't know Le Corbusier had done housing projects in Germany. I recently saw a film about life nowadays inside one of his similar housing projects (in Rezé, France), it was most interesting.
LOVE, love, LOVE this building!
Love the colors, the lighting and stairs, too.
Yes, I would think the play of light in the summer would bring out the colors differently.
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