well, the garden isn't really a garden, you know. it's the slither of a proper vegetable field that we're renting for one season. a friend had heard of that idea, and although i had my doubts at first, i jumped on the wagon. the field is huge. i don't even know how many other city romantics are trying their hand at gardening there (the locals must think we are slightly insane). but everybody is super friendly, and i've embraced this project, really enjoying it. the good thing about doing this with friends is that we can take it in turns to go and water the plants and take out the weeds, also we can share the crop. this will be really good once summer's here. last year we had weeks without rain and temperatures over 30°C. not a good idea then to not go and skip the watering because you're lazy (i'm talking about myself here, you see). so we'll see how that goes.
so far, we have pre-planted lettuce, rocket, spinach, red swiss chard, carrots, beets, potatoes etc. we also planted some more unusual plants like mizuna (a japanese plant similar to rocket), some pak choi and some broccoletto (tender broccoli stems that can be blanched or stir fried quickly). basically, it seems like we have too much of everything to eat it all, so will be giving some of the crop to friends and neighbours.
i'll be taking pictures throughout the season and post them here in a little garden series. hope you don't mind! otherwise, you know, just skip any posts titled 'garden'. easy, no?
happy weekend!
p.s.: can't wait for the plants, and particularly the flowers, to grow higher. it all looks much too 'tidy' for my liking just now. so grow, little plants!
Oh, I don't mind at all. And I love this atmosphere, that first picture, the brocoletto, you know ? Have fun with it dear. Enjoy.
that is so amazing! i've heard about this 'project' on television and really loved the idea. and i was wondering, too if the locals thought the city people are crazy. :)
growing your own food is such a wonderful thing and i will happily follow your gardening adventures! keep the garden pictures coming, please!
such a nice thing to be doing.
i have been having allotment envy recently after being in the uk :)
have fun with it!
o0o exciting, kristina. and what a good way to relax! in England we have similar things, we call them allotments. There is a field in our village where the plots are shared around, it's very communal, and a great way to get to know people!
This is fantastic! I love love the photos you took too.
Wow!This sounds like an amazing project! I once planted tomato but it didn't came out well coz' I think I forget to water it sometimes :o
Looking forward to see the progress photos!
this is such a great idea! i live between then country and the city and when i'm in town i miss my garden so! i hope everything grows wonderfully!
what a cool garden, next spring we should swap some seeds
How lovely and yummy !!!
the pictures are so nice, as is the whole thing. i have been dreaming about doing something like this for some time now. (wir haben kräuter und tomaten auf dem dach gepflanzt. aber das dauert, und die sonne da oben brennt so, ich weiss nicht ob die kleinen pflänzchen das aushalten)
please keep us updated on how it goes!
keep us updated, i want to see more :)
this is such an amazing idea..I would love to be in the picture...to be part of planting and the joy of the harvest till an amazing meal on my plate..what a great idea
what a great idea and concept!!! love it.
Thank you for all your comments on my blog today. after reading this post, I understand your envy to our allotment ;)
But you have a great alternative right here!
Good luck!
It always starts off tidy. Before you know it your plants will be tall and sprawling. Enjoy!
wow, that is so cool! I am definitely looking forward to all posts concerning the garden!!
This gardening project is so cool. I wish you lots of crop and good wheather. Please do keep us informed of your progress!
~ That's my wife, Carolyn. See the way the handle on her pruning shears matches her gardening clogs? That's not an accident.~
Lester Burnham - American Beauty
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