when pascale came to berlin, she brought summer with her. it was late april and felt like june. we talked a lot, and many things we said still have me thinking. we had lunch at a place that officially had no bathroom, but really, what it did have, was a being-john-malkovich-closet, up some rickety-make-shift steps behind the fridge. surreal. guess whose mind i travelled into? whose would you have chosen?
some randomness:
just found out about the sufjan stevens concert in berlin this weekend. guess what: too late! all tickets gone. argh!
tonight, there is a documentary about susan sontag on arte. they usually stream the videos seven days after airing time here fo free (german or french). so check it out from tomorrow.
the garden (or should i say field) was officially opened last night. this morning it rained, which made me happy. see, it's already changing my perception.
in retrospect, i hope i didn't put off my vegetarian readers with my last post.
+++ CORRECTION: very sorry about a mix-up - the susan sontag documentary will be screened monday, 9 may at 22.05h! oops. +++
I love these sorts of long beautiful conversations... Thank you for the info on Susan Sontag too. I'll check it out.
Isn't it wonderful the way how through blogging we get to make these wonderful connections! I've just made a similar post about a visit from a fellow blogueuse. Love the Being John Malkovich tale. Did you travel into Susan Sontag's mind? Thanks for the arte info!
Beautiful beautiful images. They brightened my morning.
You Are My Favorite
I'm in love with the bag on the first picture. Gorgeous as are the pictures :-)
Funny, 2 pics with me tonight... (on my blog too).
Yes, it was definitely a great day with you.
and I guess we were lucky to try the toilets... it 's not a chance given to anyone !-)))
oh my...you should go to the concert and try to get a ticket there..sometimes you can be lucky and get one..it is really really worth it...
oh.. that's a good question! I assume we have to choose a living person.
sometimes i would like to travel in the mind of my son, but i wouldn't because he needs his secrets. it might be fun (or not;)) to travel in woody allen's mind.
Just saw Pascale's pictures - looks like you both had a great weekend! Is this the place without the bathroom that I can see in her pictures?? Looks super nice, love the benches!
I've been visiting your blog on and off for a few months just for inspiration; a glimpse and sense of another place -- light, pace and rhythms. it's truly beautiful. Such a lovely spot you've created that is as much about seeing as process. I'm curious too about the bag in the first image -- as it reminds me of the very bag that the woman who managed the bookstore i worked in for many years carried to work every day. It brought her back full force in such a vivid way. It really says so much about the things we carry that become symbols of us forever. Who makes that bag?
And again, thank you for this evocative and thought-provoking respite!
~ L
I've been visiting your blog on and off for a few months just for inspiration; a glimpse and sense of another place -- light, pace and rhythms. it's truly beautiful. Such a lovely spot you've created that is as much about seeing as process. I'm curious too about the bag in the first image -- as it reminds me of the very bag that the woman who managed the bookstore i worked in for many years carried to work every day. It brought her back full force in such a vivid way. It really says so much about the things we carry that become symbols of us forever. Who makes that bag?
And again, thank you for this evocative and thought-provoking respite!
~ L
and my third "cou cou" of the evening, to you two.
field? field? pffffff.... ;P
these are lovely kristina - i love portraits.
lovely photos, it was nice to see another shot of pascale ;) that is how i found your site! it is beautiful.
Oh my, those photos are amazing!
ah, these are great shots kristina - i love all the elements in the top one. we've had a similarly early summer in london, people have been wearing such big smiles!
the bright green of the leaves is beautiful - very much spring!
hmm... if I were to travel into the mind of someone, I think I'd choose someone I don't understand at all, to see what is really going on there. maybe george w bush? might be too scary, or empty ;-)
Really lovely Kristina.
i like this concept of showing on each blog a different text with photos of your meeting..
you were our eyes..
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