the first ten days of the new year have already proven to be a whirlwind. hope you got off to a good start?
i often think how lucky i am to love my work, yet lately there never seem to be enough hours in the day, or days in the week. and so there also never seems to be enough time to think about food much in advance.
could you help me out here - i'm looking for ideas for healthy winter eating: favourite dishes, ideas for winter vegetables and fruit, or links to websites are all more than welcome! i'm thinking vitamins and freshness, and perhaps a little less cream...
hello, happy new year! i made this last night and loved it and have also been making a lot of nigel slater's broccoli and bacon soup and molly's lentil soup in batches and freezing it for work nights when there's no time (or will) to cook :)
This soup is perfection from heidi swanson at 101 Cookbooks.
Chunky Lentil Soup:
This link doesn't give you one of Heidi's pretty food photos, but the recipe is here. I have to admit to adding a lot more smoked paprika and salt than she calls for. The drizzle of olive oil, the torn basil and the parmesan are a must. I've tried it without and it wasn't the same. Really easy, quick, healthy and satisfying.
One of my favorite recipes.
I'm pretty much enjoying my river cafe cookbooks (particularly the "salads & vegetables" pocket one) at the mo, and have read about this one too (which may be a good idea for you, even though they very much tend towards the italian):
also currently enjoying my "reyes" pressie, ferran adrià's "the family meal".
I also use (which I am nearly sure you do too) the bbc/food and good food sites for seasonable recipes.
oh well, not sure I'm being helpful at all but I really like that pic (for a moment I thought you were still harvesting from that plot of yours... well impressed I was ;)
I'll cook a few dishes for dinner :)
A recent revelation is how very good parsnips taste, cut up into chunky matchsticks, annointed with olive oil and stuck in the oven for an hour or so. Oh, and I can't wait to try your chestnut pancake idea!
the blogs 'My New Roots' and 'Sprouted Kitchen' are pretty much my healthy/beautiful food go-to's :)
vollkornreis, avocado, rote beete (gekocht), ganz viel sesam obendrauf oder tahin. wegen der farben (und total gesund auch, klar)! aber nicht mischen sonst wird's hässlich.
und letztens habe ich eine suppe (creme) aus pastinaken gegessen, die war auch echt lecker.
ausserdem apfelkompott mit getrockneten aprikosen, datteln, rosinen, nuessen und zimt. mmmh.
Today at work they served a gratain with thin sliced celeriac, tomato sauce and cheese. Delicious. I know the problem. I make a lot of lentil soups. This is a great help for the dark months:
Hi, at you can order biological food from the Berlin region, they bring it to your home at very reasonable prices. On their website, they have a Saisonkalender, showing which vegetables' time it's at the moment:
Guten Appetit!
Grüße von Katrin
Hallo Kristina,
Rosenkohl (wenn Du den magst), schmeckt super auch aus dem Ofen in einem Auflauf mit Curry und Kokosmilch.
Für die Vitaminzufuhr bin ich zu morgendlichem Verzehr von grünen Smoothies übergegangen.
Ich habe Euer Projekt mit dem gemeinsamen Feld/Acker/Garten in der letzten Saison hier auf dem Blog verfolgt und würde sowas gern mit ein paar Freunden in Dresden starten. Kannst Du mir vielleicht ein paar Tipps geben, wie Ihr an die Anbaufläche gekommen seid und wie Ihr das organisiert habt?
Wäre toll!
LG, Manu
What a great box of food you have! I hope you have found some good recipes. I've found myself cooking rather simple with eggs lately. I hope all is well for you!
What a beautiful photo! Wish I could help w healthy winter eating/ though I live in ADL/ in AUS and we've just hit summer- so it's smoothies and watermelon for me! x
and when you really don't fancy to cook: eat porridge!
For me a great comfort food that can be eaten even in the evening (with a pinch of salt rather than sugar).
Also I love this book:
Miss Dahls Voluptuous Delights.
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