
Sunday 13 July 2014

Claire's Book Stand II (II)

The idea of Claire's Book Stand had been to have a gathering in a small park, but the weather brought rain. Instead, then, the prints, books, and magazines were shown at the Freunde von Freunden apartment – with tea and fruit being served in the kitchen. Of this afternoon, I most remember the words and the light: conversations with Claire, Jordan, and Anne, and the spare between-the-rains-light, turning the place into a stage against the windows. The visual conversations, too, between the magic photographs by Mary, Anne, Jordan, and many others.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Claire's Book Stand II (I)

A Sunday in late June. Claire Cotrell's Book Stand II. Went home with Anne's book and a head full of ideas.
Merci, Claire! (Her summer print shop has great work by Mary and Brian, too. And by Sanne and Camille.)

