it's here again. the season of rain.
today, we are having mayoral elections in berlin, so i'll be donning my hideous rain cape soon, cycling to the polling station, then onto the museum bookshop for my sunday shift.
i'm starting to crave cakes, pears, lambs lettuce, walnuts, mushrooms. what's your favourite seasonal dish? any cake recipes? or savoury treats?
(these images were taken on a ferry ride - there's a post about berlin ferries over on mostly berlin. with the very same pictures, something i rarely do. i had to, this time...)
I already wowed your skies on the other side ;)
I got pretty wet on the way back yesterday night. dry on the way there, soaking on the way back. you cannot win. autumn wins. always :)
Hallo Kristina, ich warte heute auch auf Regen, hab genug von der Hitze. Deshalb habe ich gestern vorsichtshalber einen Schokoladenkuchen gebacken (den hier: http://smittenkitchen.com/2010/08/everyday-chocolate-cake/) ...aber bis jetzt ist es trocken. Butterbrote mit Feigenmarmelade und Käse sind auch ein gutes Herbstessen.
Enjoy your sunday xxx
i love making chicken casserole, but usually wait for my parents to disappear for me to make it. however i don't like the rainy season at all.
this time last year we were all in Berlin.......
i love that dog.
and i adore pears. like, could eat them every single day if only they were always in season :O) lately i'm craving salads with crumbled gorgonzola cheese- and pesto with everything. even on my sandwiches. i had a nice cilantro pesto with apples and brie cheese on a toasted bread last week that was heaven.
if you pass by Paris, please, let me know...
The photo of the dog. I am saving it. Love the use of space/the composition.
I make a lot of mushroom risottos these days. And zucchini fritters, pies, bread, cake...
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