
Sunday, 10 July 2011

the day of the potato


well hooray! yesterday i harvested my very first potatoes in the garden. last night, i had new potatoes with butter, today potato salad for lunch. now, i'll have a little potato break - but how good this felt! like digging for gold, pardon the clichée.

i also ran into a garden neighbour whom i hadn't seen in a while, and we both said that we had gone for the garden project to find out whether it was for us. and guess what--. i will definitely have an allotment, or a little garden outside the city as soon as i can make it happen. and until then, i'll stick to garden schemes like this one, pre-planted or not.

i sometimes think that we know much better what is for us than we think we do. i don't know about you, but i tend to agonise over decisions. just think how much time i could have saved in the past by listening to what i know in my heart of hearts. i need more courage to trust my instincts.

p.s.: this photo was taken on a weekend by the sea last year. in an old garden, with lots of old apple trees.

and another thought: sylee reminded me of this post, which i had completely forgotten about. i couldn't help but thinking, gosh, my writing has gone rather downhill in the past months. it's what too much work and utilitarian thinking does to you, i guess. but i do know, there'll be other times ahead.


máni said...

harvesting the fruits of your labour - what a cliché. but it's true! it tastes better and feels better. and is very satisfying.

Anna Vee said...

I do agree we know what's best for us (mentally and physically) if only we'd listen to our body and mind more closely! It's just that sometimes in the busy lifestyle of modern days it gets too loud to hear what you're trying to tell yourself.

I've been dreaming of my own little vegetable garden for a couple of years now. Too bad the summer is really short here in Finland and the fresh vegetable season is over before you know it! Oh well, maybe next year... :)

shipbuilding said...

I agonise too...it's nice to find something as beautiful as gardening to remind you to be courageous.

jana said...

ich bin auch langsam mir entscheidungen. wir haben es verlernt auf unsere instinkte zu hören, dafür braucht man viel zeit und stille glaube ich.
and: i like your writing a lot, and it's so much better than mine for example. du bringst es immer auf den punkt irgendwie. ich habe oft ein komplettes sprachenchaos im kopf und oft fällt es mir in der Sprache in der ich gerade schreibe am schwersten mich auszudrücken.

