1. everyone needs a rock, 2. typical, 3. Untitled, 4. one of my favourites, 5. little forest, 6. finland, 7. george jetson., 8. food set, 9. Chair
this is the first time i'm uploading some flickr favourites, thanks - yet again - to some technical help from kristina at greenwiggle. the first time i saw these mosaics on other blogs i loved them but had no clue what they were about. don't get me wrong, i'm always assuming you are much cleverer than i am, but in case you don't know what flickr favourites are either, here goes: flickr gives you the option to make images you find on their platform a "favourite". after a little while of browsing you are bound to end up with quite a selection of favourites, little mosaics of images you find inspiring. interesting to see then, how sometimes a certain colour seems to be creeping in over and over again. or that there are times when you seem to be inexplicable drawn to, say, photos with trees, or feet, or moody lighting. it may have to do with the subject matter of those images, their composition or palette, but it may equally have to do with your mood, the seasons, and the ways we see and we photograph that constantly evolve.
flickr favourites are also a great way to share inspiration and to explore what's out there. take your time and visit the photos that speak to you (using the links above), it will be worth it. maybe you'll even end up exploring yourself. go on, you know you want to...
thanks to all those flickr friends whose images constantly inspire me. and happy tuesday to all of you!
it is funny we just bought a polish short movie about Peter and the Wolf for the kids !!!
I like!!
A beautiful collage. Calm and I always love that blue touch.
These flickr favourites are so great. Both give me a clue to the person posting and also lots of great photos to explore. Thanks!
big images are great when it comes to posting posts like this! looking good!
I like your favourites! Flickr is super inspiring and you can learn lots from it. I love it!
love it, and thanks for the info on flickr :)
I don't often like these mosaics because the images are so small, but I really like your version with the larger images.
The trees in the coffee (tea?) are great and the bread and butter + egg too. Thanks!
what a lovely collection. and thankyou for excellent information about flickr, really lovely description of how flickr favourites can capture mood.
i just favorited a whole lot of inspiration yesterday, i'll have to do a mosaic and see what the common threads are. mosaic maker is really good for that. :-)
Very beautiful collage ! Well done ! Have a nice day !
that bread looks so yummy, guess I miss good bread like crazy
Interesting mosaic, full of... life !
you are welcome if you want to play to our yellow game. Even if you don't tag other friends it does not mind, Enjoy !!!
a great selection indeed!
lots of lovely photos (and I'm not saying that because you included mine ;-) ) - I'll have to go to flickr to explore further!
Beautiful choices! Hope you had a Happy Tuesday as well!
lovely collection, sorry to hear you have a sore throat too! My boss is getting pretty annoyed about my absence! I hoe you are well soon too and I would like to find out more about berlin, my friend is going there in October can you suggest good places to stay? I will direct him to your other blog x
du weisst ja schon mehr über Flickr wie ich! ;)
Ich muss auch mahl so ein Mosaic probieren.
Das Brotbild ist auch mein Favoriet in dein Mosaiek....
Und wieder liebe Grüsse, Jeannette
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