things are still mad here, so just a quick hello.
some time ago, pascale wrote about going 'hybrid' - using analog lenses with a digital camera body. i really liked the idea and have been trying my hand at it last week, but have yet to get used to using the DSLR with an 'all manual' setting. my heart still is with analog photography, but this gives me an immediate feed-back that's really useful when playing around with angles, light, focus etc.
p.s.: new pins.
So, these pics are the result ?
yes, they are - so far...
I've been doing exactly this over the weekend! I put my Pentacon 50mm on my Pentax DSLR and it definitely looks far better, but I totally am with you and your analog heart! But yes, very useful for practise.
What an interesting idea ... and the results are beautiful Kristina X
My, these are beautiful~
I've never thought of this before - I'd love to try this out. I may give 'hybrid' a try!
I love the idea! Must try it out soon!
it surely is interesting! though my heart like yours is analogue;)
i really like the first one.
i haven't tried that before, though i shoot manual with my DSLR (or AV if not fully manual). we went shooting yesterday and i brought the digital with me and shot 3 rolls of film and took only a handful of digital shots. it has just lost it's magic for me, or i've lost my ability to "see" with that camera, which sort of saddens me a little. but i guess i was always meant for film.
i love your shots here. the light is wonderful.
great idea. vor allem zum ausprobieren. leider passen meine analog-objektive nicht auf die dslr. aber irgendwas muss ich mir auch langsam ausdenken, um sie mal wieder zu benutzen...
that's what i've got going with one of my cameras. it's good to have lots of options even though i find i have to have to stop and think about what i'm doing before i start.
I use my 55-200mm analog lent with digital one, and is going quite well.
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