i've been out of things recently.
so how are you? and what is your favourite meal at the moment? i want to try more recipes from nigel slater's most wonderful tender, vol II. what a precious book.
+++ you just know how to lift my spirits! the list of dishes i want to try gets longer and longer... by the way: would any of you have a recommendation for the perfect carrot cake (in the race at the moment: carrot cake from 'breakfast lunch and tea' and a tear-out from a magazine? +++
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What a precious man! His books are my favourite, then Tessa Kiros.
My daughter's big in to salmon at the moment, so as many things as I can make with salmon! I'm so sick of salmon!
Kristina, am I ok to pinterest any of your photos? Not that I know how too!:0
No worries if you would rather I didn't, I know where to come and see my favourite photos! x
I made two things this past weekend that were new to me and excellent. Braised short ribs and an everyday chocolate cake. Both were superb.
I recently made this spinach/artichoke quiche... absolutely delicious!
I'm currently on a kick for yellow curry. I've been adding a mixture of vegetables each time I try a different variation of curry powder or paste I find. Perhaps it's the search for just the right one.
I too love Nigel Slater's book Tender. Gorgeous photo.
i'm still working my way through tender vol I..
so i've got all the goodness of vol II to look forward to :)
a little exhausted, but a good salad with avocados makes me feel better :)
I know it is a beautiful beautiful book...I love quinoa salads at the moment...but I guess just because it is so warm here in sydney...with some roasted sweet potato or pumpkin and lots of herbs...
I've been really in to omelets lately. With spinach, cheese, tomatoes and onions...yum!
this book looks great!
i love Thai food but don't cook it, any kind of eggs for brunch, and lately I have a crush on a endive gratin with bresaola and manchego cheese.
PS : love the photo too.
I love Nigel too ....
my food crush at the moment is spiral spelt pasta with broccoli and chicken, so yummy and so healthy !!!
I seem to be fixated on baby bok choy at the moment: 6-hour pork shoulder with lentils and baby bok choy. Or a (much quicker!) dinner of chicken and bok choy stir fry. Or this soba noodle soup with meatballs and baby bok choy...
Also uncharacteristically craving brownies, and still searching for the perfect chewy fudgy but very chocolate-y recipe.
oh nigel...i love the tender books too...aus dem 2. habe ich noch kaum etwas gemacht. erzähl uns von den rezepten die du ausprobierst!
mein lieblingsessen im moment ist salat aus geriebenen rohen möhren und gekochter roter beete (auch gerieben), mit gerösteten kürbiskernen, sesam etc..vor allem natürlich wegen der farben. Wurzelgemüse sind das Beste am Winter!
hum, favourite recipe of the moment is the chicken + yellow peppers + pasta. My comforting dish I made when I'm low and down...
Favourite carrot cake recipe is here my dear http://lassiette2mimosa.canalblog.com/archives/2009/02/16/12330467.html
but in french !!!!! ;-)
we had s bit of a cold snap in melbourne so i made lambshank and barley soup last night. we were out of celery so i didn't put it in and it didn't turn out so well. i couldn't believe a bit of celery makes all that difference!
I have the carrot cake from Breakfast, lunch, tea to try also. just cooked a prawn stirfry from tender vol 1 this evening. ginger, lemongrass, gai lan, yum yum.
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