a while ago, my sister re-photographed some of our family pictures (none of us own a decent scanner). sadly, this one turned out quite blurry, but you can still make out me on the right, i guess i must have been five around that time, next to me my mum and a friend of hers with her baby daughter. see how they fastened the top part of the pram on the sled? very clever. -- these days, all the side streets in berlin are properly snowed in, so that most people with young kids are pulling sleds rather than pushing prams. much easier in this weather and the kids love it. a friend told me yesterday that she tried to buy a sled herself and found they are sold out everywhere.
oh, talking about childhood memories, i've come across the nicest video via thank you very little (lovely blog, go and take a look!) -- a friend of hers from vienna made the video from his family's super 8 films. my parents never had a super 8 camera. did yours? oh, do take a look at the video!
and here's my next question for you: what's your favourite book or film this winter (or summer, for readers in the southern hemisphere)? i love reading your comments, so keep them coming!
i don`t like, but i have to read a lot of boring stuff to complete my degree...
i read a fantastic book by a danish write, carsten jensen, called (my translation) "we, the drowned ones". it's a four generation book about a small town in denmark that used to have a huge fleet and was a town of sailors and sail boats. if it ever gets translated, i would recommend it.
i didn't see many movies this winter, but for 3 weeks i have had a disc with "where the wild things are" waiting for me. i really look forward to that, just need to find the right moment to indulge :)
cute photo!
Lovely photo, I had sledges just like those when I was little!
My favourite book at present is The Unknown Errors of Our Lives, a collection of stories about adjusting to life in America, which I got from lovely B for Christmas. I love it. Can't put it down.
I wish I could be of any help but I'm going through a bit of a inspirational drought (full head but not in the best possible way ;) so I've reverted to TED talks for a bit of food for thought.
fab idea, prams fastened to sledges. lots of sledges here lately too and that pic's just great. where you startled or just stuffing your face with cake ;P
better tips next time, I promise.
I'm thinking about reading the little friend of Donna Tarte. Did you read that by any chance? The book of Polly sounds great too btw!
Right now I am reading PD James The Private Patient and watching Mad Men on DVD. That's all I can manage right now.
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