thank you so much for your comments on my last post - i so relate to saving up for a dream camera: it was a long way for me. i'm a big believer in dreams, they have a way of coming true with time, sometimes when we least expect it.
i went to favourite places in my neighbourhood on that first photo walk with the bronica. what a good feeling to know there is so much to learn, i'm very much looking forward to it.
i'm loving september so far, how about you?
Photowalks with new cameras are the best! :) These photos are stunning, what kind of trees are they?
hi there and thank you! these are birches, very common in the northern hemisphere. they have the prettiest black-and-white bark and floaty branches with tiny rustling leaves. i love them, as you can tell.
Lovely month for photowalks...sometimes with the old analogic canon in B&W film, some with the digital one for colors...depends on the mood.
Enjoy a lot this month!
september this year, is like an unexpected present. i am loving it too! and saving up for a dream, is as perfect thing to do. there is excitement in both; the saving and the getting at least. don't you think?
such beautiful tones in these, kristina.
horray for new cameras!
" i'm a big believer in dreams, they have a way of coming true with time, sometimes when we least expect it "
This is going to become my new motto Darling. So well said.
die bilder sehen toll aus...sehr schöne farbtöne! die beiden fotos ergänzen sich perfekt :)
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