hooray, this is the one hundredth post on no penny for them! time went by fast. it has been a very inspiring journey for me - and that's thanks to you. in the beginning, i wasn't really sure what blogging might be about, nor was i sure what i wanted, let alone that anyone might be interested in stopping by more than once (if at all). you've been there when i started using my praktica and photography began to be more than a casual past-time. i'm quite amazed by that. and i love hearing from you - thank you for all your comments, none of them goes unnoticed!
so to celebrate one hundred posts, i'd love to give away sets of two prints each. just let me know which two photos from my blog you would call your personal favourites and why (i'm curious!). i'll draw three winners at random next monday.
have a wonderful week.
I´ll never forget the beach pictures. I´ve never seen those little ´houses´ before, and with the hazy colours it brought up childhood memories I never had.
Oh ! This is fun !
So I guess that the first picture would be the wood box " Robert Frank les Américains" because I don't know where you saw that in Arles ???? SO great ! I was quite jealous when I saw that one...
And of course the fantastic pictures of the lights ( 2 meters in diametre ) you posted a few days ago...
Love the form, the colours, the composition.
That is what I call photography !!!!
happy 100! i haven't been around your blog for too long, but i know i love this photo: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/4TYDVeuo3CYRU50MBdTFIg?authkey=Gv1sRgCKT0r7PUrIqomwE&feat=embedwebsite
here's to another 100 and beyond..
Wow Happy 100th post! :)
My favorite one... mmm... Both of them are amazing, but I think mine is the second one. and that's because the great noise-texture it has and the mugs. I love mugs! oh and the white background. and the composition. and that's it!
Hooray for your great giveaway!
Congratulations! :)
hallo. ich habe deinen blog gerade entdeckt. wunderschöne fotos und alles gute zur 100!
Uhh, at the top of my head; I really like your beach photos AND your apple picking pictures too. The light in the beach pictures is amazing and the colours in the apple pictures are to die for :-)
Happy 100 !!!
So difficult to choose ... but I will say the beach photos (1,3 or 4) from your 19th august post
Happy 100 !! The choice is very difficult... I love your photos with empty ..
The last one of your Yellow post : an arrow and empty banks.. Everything is possible..where are the people? I love this empty space...
The 3rd of the corner Out of window : old dustbins and an empty chair.. the light is sublime and always this mystery, the absence !!!
Bonne journée Kristina. Bise
these are sooooooo beautiful!!
dear all - thanks so much for your comments and keep them coming, the draw is open until sunday night... :)
p.s.: i find it really interesting why you like some of my photos. i'm not fishing for compliments, it's really about understanding better what my images seem to get across. which quite often is a surprise to me!
what a lovely idea!
i especially love the image of the apples on the blue cloth & also the shot of the yellow benches. those 2 have stuck with me!
congrats on 100 posts!
Tatata...100 mahl ein super post!
hat spass gemacht wieder alle posts zu sehen. Da sind so viele schöne Photo´s. Aber meine beide absolute Favorieten sind die erste Photo von dein Post von 24 September...den Wagen find ich wirklich toll. (und ich nicht mahl ein Fahrerschein)
Und dann den ersten Photo von den 19 August. Und das weil ich es alte Photos sammle!
Auf nach den 1000!
♥ Jeannette
schön das es dich und deinen blog gibt liebe kristina. ich gratuliere dir zum 100. post ;-) juhui! ich mag alle deine bilder sehr gerne. meine favoriten: die äpfel auf blauem hintergrund weil sie mir einfach gute laune machen, die leckeren tomaten in arles und die verträumte blume von oh everyday. und diese violetten kohlrabi, dunkel, dicht und doch voller wärme - find ich auch richtig super. liebe grüsse*
hola and hooray on the 100th! ;)
I've been rummaging around your blog again and there are obviously lots of great pics there.
I agree with everyone on how pretty the "a bit of beach" ones are (last one is fab). I love the apple picking ones too, not to mention the clothes pegs or the beautiful flower at "oh, everyday".
however, you just stole my heart with the two above, particularly the first one with its deep purples and greys. The contrast between the fabulously sharp first image and the fuzziness of the jars in the second one is just fantastic. The shadows and colours on both are so opposite to each other they work perfectly.
so, should I be one of the random "pickees" I reckon I'd be very happy to be able to hang those together s/where in the new apartment.
muchas gracias,
ps - I also love the yellow marigolds wrapped in a red plastic bag against a dark floor (by the way).
oh, so good you mentioned this, cause somehow i missed this giveaway. and i would love a print :)
i have a lot of favorites, but i think your fruit photos are stunning.
i love the apples here: http://nopennyforthem.blogspot.com/2009/09/mix-tape-two.html
the colors the light, but most of all because there's something retro and "mom's kitchen" about it.
i love the lemons here: http://nopennyforthem.blogspot.com/2009/08/back-from-sea.html
the colors are awesome, subtle, dark and yet so lovely.
oh, and then those purple root fruits (kohlrabi?) from this post. again, it's the colors, the texture, the light. you really have a gift :)
happy 100th!
I specially remember your yellow post and the picture of the lemons. Also, one photo of a bucket with newspapers in it! I saved those two in my inspiration folders. I always like your photos because they are normally day to day images but have a dreamy quality, as if they have a hidden meaning.
Happy 100th!!
happy 100 posts! I'm so glad you're blogging :-)
you know, I can't think of a single photo of yours that I DON'T like, so picking two favorites is very hard. but one I love is this one http://www.flickr.com/photos/nopennyforthem/3835031094/ because it's just perfect. the light, the colours...
oh, i hope i have not missed you! happy happy 100 posts - i am so glad to have discovered your world. your photos are always, always inspiring.
the two you have here for example, amazing. can i say the top one, and also the one earlier that i mentioned on ii-ne-kore? why? gosh, that is hard. an immediate response to them, that makes me stop, the colours, the composition....
hello kristina! congratulations on your 100th. post! it was my intention to come back and write a comment about my favorites but i was a little too late. anyway i thought i would mention my two favorites of your photos anyway : )
i really like the apple photos but especially this one with the blue tablecloth contrasting the red apples. just perfect!
i also really liked your wawe shot. both calm and in motion at the same time and with such great colors.
it's always a treat for the eye to visit no penny for them and see your lovely film photos!
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